
Katsunuma Grape, Wine & Fire Festival

Annual grape festival with wine & grape juice from local wineries, walking winery tour, spectacular burning shrine & fireworks show, live bands, performances & more!


東京から日帰りで楽しめる「勝沼ぶどう祭りツアー」に参加しませんか?山梨県のぶどうとワイン文化を祝うこの年に一度のイベントでは、地元25以上のワイナリーから提供される美味しいワインやぶどうジュースを試飲することができます。祭りの間にはパフォーマンスが行われ、40軒以上のグルメフード屋台が並びます。そして、夜には山の斜面に巨大な燃える鳥居が出現し、迫力ある花火大会でフィナーレを迎えます。 ワイン愛好家や美食家にぴったりのこのツアーは、東京から気軽に参加でき、山梨の豊かな自然と伝統的なお祭りを楽しむことができます。美味しい地元産品を味わい、勝沼の美しいぶどう畑を散策し、特別な一日を過ごしましょう!


10:00 :
Meet in Shinjuku. All aboard the TSC Bus! Chat with old and new friends and get excited! Stop for snacks / rest along the way
12:00 ~ 19:30 :
Fun at the festival! Sample the great food, wine & grapes at the festival. Sit back, relax and take in some of the live entertainment. Optional (free) walking tour of local wineries.
19:00 ~19:30 :
Fireworks and giant burning shrine performance!
19:30 ~ 21:00 :
Private bus back to Shinjuku.



As someone who doesn't like rigid schedules and is easily tired out by large groups but does enjoy wine and new experiences, this trip was a perfect balance. Except for the bus timings, you are free to go around the festival and area as you like. Because we split into smaller groups, we could exchange notes on which stalls to visit when we bumped into each other. Divide and conquer!

Elspeth / 09 Oct 2023

It was fun, we saw the festival and tasted grapes and wines, there is many winery would have spent more if the highway was clearer that day

Simeng / 01 Nov 2022


Haruka / 15 Oct 2022

For me, most of the fun happened once the sun went down. That's when they lit the torches, the drums came out on stage, and then fireworks! During the day it's walking from winery to winery which is a nice walk but a bit too hot on the day we went.

Janel / 03 Oct 2022

Great time! No expectations so no disappointments. Guides were great. Day was gorgeous! No complaints here!!

Renee / 03 Oct 2022