
Climb Mt Fuji - Summit Sunrise

A two day / one night trip to climb the mighty Mt. Fuji and watch the sunrise from the summit of Japan's highest mountain!


これは一生に一度の体験です!日本で最も高い地点から日の出を見ることを目指して、2日間のハイキングを行い、山頂近くの山小屋に1泊します。 富士山の公式登山シーズンは7月から9月初めまでの数ヶ月間しかありません。このトレッキングは非常に人気があり、毎年約25万人が登頂します。この壮大な山の頂上に到達することは、達成感が格別であり、絶景は登る価値があります。私たちのハイキングは日の出前に山頂に到達するように計画されており、日本の最も高い地点から最初の日光を浴びることができ、他の地域がまだ眠っている中で素晴らしい瞬間を迎えます。 富士山にはいくつかの登山ルートがあります。このツアーでは、富士宮ルートを利用し、5合目から登ります。このルートは、全ての富士山登山ルートの中で最も標高が高い5合目からスタートするため、山頂までの距離が最も短いルートです。このコースは中級者向けとされ、実際のクライミングは不要ですが、一部には手を使って登る急な箇所もあります。私たちは、標高に順応し、体力を温存するため、ゆっくりと登ります。 ハイキンググループは1グループ10人に分けられ、1グループに1人のガイドが付きます。


07:30 :
10:30 :
11:30 :
18:00 :

02:30 :
04:30 :
06:30 :
11:30 :


  • 東京都新宿~富士山富士宮5合目~東京都新宿の往復貸切バス
  • 経験豊富なリーダーと登山地図(10名お客様に1名ガイド付き)
  • 9合目山小屋での1泊宿泊
  • 山小屋での1夕食
  • 酸素缶(5リットル、軽量で約25cm)- 高山順応に役立ちます
  • レンタルヘッドライト&バッテリー – 両手を使わずに登山でき、2日目の日の出前の最終登頂に便利
  • エネルギースナックと水(500ml)
  • 事故保険
  • 価格には10%の消費税が含まれます
  • 楽しい仲間たちと自分に挑戦する忘れられない体験!


出発 終了 空状況 料金 予約
7月26日(土) 7月27日(日) 空きあり ¥39,800 予約
8月2日(土) 8月3日(日) 空きあり ¥39,800 予約
8月15日(金) 8月17日(日) 空きあり ¥39,800 予約
8月30日(土) 8月31日(日) 空きあり ¥39,800 予約
9月6日(土) 9月7日(日) 空きあり ¥39,800 予約



For me climbing Fuji-san was an extraordinary experience and quite a challenge at the same time. The trail is rather steep and terrain difficult. However, I made it thanks to amazing young men that guided the tour. I am really grateful to Keiji without whose help I would not be able to reach the 9th station as my backpack at some point just became too heavy for me to carry. I am thankful to Yuki too who was encouraging me all the way down the mountain. I was the oldest person in the group, majority were young people full of energy and adrenalin. Age issue aside, the weather was perfect both days, the sky clear with a nice view of Fujinomiya during the night climb and we had an amazing sunrise at the summit. I would suggest everyone to pack the lightest possible clothes and minimum water and food. You can buy everything you need for two days on the mountain. Although pricy it is worth it. I highly recommend this tour with TSC!

Sandra / 07 Aug 2024

I really liked the hike and everyone was really nice, one of the most fun trip I had in Japan so far! We were really lucky with the weather too. Everything went well for me during the trip, it was well organized and supervised. I would definitely rebook for a trip with Tokyo Snow Club when I'll come back to Japan in the future.

Stella / 06 Aug 2024

As a beginner taking the challenge to hike Mt Fuji wouldn’t have been so memorable and fun filled if not for the team! Our guide Yuki, KG, Steven and Robin and were very well prepared, fun loving bunch and most importantly took care of everyone’s needs and safety! I recommend this team for the hike always! Thank you TSC!!!

Wunnava / 05 Aug 2024

I finally knew what it is like climbing Mt Fuji :) and it was fun trip! really recommend it!

Muhammad / 03 Aug 2024

Unforgettable first trip with Tokyo Snow Club, definitely not the last one! Thanks to the guides and the people who joined for upgrading the experience even more and for making easier the hardest stretches. Awesome sunset from the hut and sunrise from the summit! Highly recommended :)

María / 31 Jul 2024

Had a great trip to Mt. Fuji with the Tokyo Snow Club. From the bus to hiking to staying in huts, everything was well-organized. Going on an organized tour like this takes away the hassle of planning so you can enjoy the activity fully. Would recommend it to anyone who's looking to get the most out of their time and have a fun trip.

Prashant / 29 Jan 2024

I joined the fuji summit hike on 26 to 27 aug 2023, the team leaders are KG, Yuki, Daff and Steven, I would say they are all very professional in particular KG, who was the main leader communicated so well with all teams and managed the time so well. I felt so safe in the hands of tokyo snow club in this trip, on top of good communication, use of walkies between leaders, reflective knee stripes on every hiker, provision of oxygen canisters and head lamps, ongoing counting of people in each team to ensure no one is lost, I highly recommend tokyo snow club to my friends and i would surely join their trips when next in tokyo.

Yin / 06 Nov 2023

It was an amazing experience. The guides were super helpful (as always) and well organized. I’m definitely going for the next year’s Fuji climb with this group!

Abrar / 29 Oct 2023

An experience of a lifetime! Even if you are an amateur, psuh yourself and go ahead. From the very beginning, Tokyo Snow Club was well-prepared and organized. They provided detailed information before the trip, which helped us plan accordingly. Meeting fellow hikers from diverse backgrounds added a unique social dimension to the experience, making it not just an adventure but a chance to make new friends. The hike itself was a thrilling challenge. Starting at the base of Mt. Fuji, we ascended through stunning landscapes that transitioned from lush forests to rocky terrain. The group leaders were experienced and knowledgeable, ensuring everyone's safety while sharing fascinating insights about the mountain's history and geology. Reaching the summit at sunrise was an absolute highlight. Witnessing the first light of day from Japan's highest peak is a breathtaking moment I'll cherish forever. The Tokyo Snow Club's thoughtful planning allowed us to avoid the crowds, giving us a more intimate experience with this natural wonder. Throughout the hike, the Tokyo Snow Club provided essential support, including hot meals and beverages to keep us energized, arranged all the hiking essentials like headlamps and oxygen canisters and most importantly the stay in the Mountain hut at 9th station. Their dedication to ensuring everyone's comfort and safety was evident throughout the journey. In the end, the Tokyo Snow Club's Mt. Fuji hike was a perfect blend of adventure, camaraderie, and natural beauty. If you're looking for an organized and rewarding way to conquer this iconic mountain, I wholeheartedly recommend joining their expedition. It's an experience that will leave you with cherished memories and a deep appreciation for the wonders of nature.

Sai / 11 Sep 2023

With the support of experienced leaders, I was able to reach the summit of Mt. Fuji! The lodge was very small due to the crowds, but it was understandable considering that it was the peak season for Mt. Fuji. It was very hard and tiring for the whole body, so it is better to declare your fitness level honestly in advance. The safety was taken into consideration and I was able to finish the trip in a good spirit.

Ar / 08 Sep 2023